Spring Break Tanning and SunScreen

Everyone heard about Hugh Jackman and him urging people to wear sunscreen after he has had several growths removed. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer that develops on skin exposed to the sun, such as the head, neck, and back of hands, but is especially common on the face and nose.

I see way more sun damaged skin here, than I ever did when I lived and worked in Florida. I do not know why, as it is sunny and warm all year round, but I do not know that most wear sunscreen to protect them from the harmful rays of the sun. However, if you are still trying to get in somewhat of a tan before spring break, and during the winter months, then the best option is airbrush tanning. You will still need to wear that sunscreen while you are out in the sun on spring break, as this tan will not prevent you from still burning, or protect you from those harmful rays.

With all the options out there, as a skincare specialist, I would recommend airbrush tanning and sunless tanning lotions, over the traditional tanning bed. As previously noted in one of my blogs, you can still get harmful cancer causing rays from those tanning beds also. They are finding more cases of cancer caused from tanning beds. (If you would like to read my previous article, click here.)

When playing outdoors, as Hugh Jackman says, “Please use sunscreen” and make sure that you are using a broad spectrum sunscreen. But what is the best sunscreen to use? Read my article that goes in more depth here, between ingredients and how to use it correctly. Do not skimp, it is your skin we are talking about, and the way you look.

If you would like the golden glow of a tan without exposure of damaging UV radiation, consider using a sunless tanning product or airbrush tanning. But also remember to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen whenever you are outdoors. It is important to protect yourself from the damaging rays of tanning beds and the sun, but it is okay to soak up some rays too.


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