Spring Cleaning...Your Makeup Bag

Last week I spoke about reassessing your skincare routine. This week I want to talk about reassessing your makeup bag. Spring and fall is when I reassess my makeup in my makeup bag. Why? There are several reason, which are listed below:
  1. To pick new colors for the season.
  2. Bacteria and germs gather from mixing powder colors and become dirty.
  3. There is a shelf life to makeup.

What is the shelf life of your makeup?
  1. Powder based products: 2-3 year
  2. Liquid Foundation: up to 1 year
  3. Lipstick and Lip Gloss: 2 years
  4. Lip Liner: 1-2 years
  5. Mascara and Liquid Eyeliner: 2-3 months
  6. Pencil Eyeliner: 2-3 years

Bottom line…when in doubt, throw it out! Why? So that you do not risk getting an infection. Some makeup’s have an obvious sign that they have gone bad, while others do not. Next time you buy something new, mark the date that you opened it with a sharpie.

Makeup brushes should also be part of this routine for cleaning or changing. Why? Your makeup brushes can also harbor bacteria. How? Every time you touch your makeup brush to your face, bacteria, oil, and dead cells get on it. Ideally, you should clean them at the end of every week and store them carefully in a clean place.

How to clean your Makeup Brushes?
  1. Clean your brushes with anti-bacterial soap or shampoo. (Do not submerge your brushes in water, but run the water over your hands and use your fingers as a wash board to clean the bristles.)
  2. Squeeze the brush together until no suds appear.
  3. Dry your brushes by laying them flat. (Do not stand the brush on its handle – this will ruin the glue and loosen the bristles.)

Now, time to get your new hot and trendy makeup colors!


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