Lash Extensions...

In this article:

  • What are lash extensions?
  • Before you book your lash extension appointment.
  • Potential Risks
  • Understanding the process
  • Pros and Cons of Lash Extensions
  • Final Assessment
Eyelash extensions can be a beautiful way to enhance your natural lashes, and who doesn't want longer, thicker, eye-defining lashes? There are great mascaras out there and other products that can give you the results, but may carry side effects. Semi-Permanent Lash Extensions are another option.

What are Lash Extensions?
Lash extensions are individually applied synthetic fibers attached to the base of each eyelash with surgical glue. Each fake lash is applied one by one to your own eyelashes. If you are careful in your daily handling of the eye area and have touch-ups every 4 to 6 weeks, your lash extensions can last a long time. Depending on your natural eyelash grown cycle depends on how often you will need to "fill" or "maintain" your extensions, as well as how you take care of your lashes.

Before you book your Lash Extension Appointment
If you decide to give a try, you need to know these essential tips to ensure your experience goes as smoothly as possible:

Potential Risks
Because lash extensions are applied using surgical glue, it is essential to keep it out of your eyes. The most common complaint about lash extensions are allergic reactions to the glue, or an infected follicle from two lashes being glued together, and/or from the glue itself clogging a hair follicle.

Understand the process.
Applying a full set of new lashes can take anywhere from 90 to 180 minutes, depending on the look you want to achieve. To prepare the eye area for extensions, your lower lashes will be taped down so that your eyes will not be glued shut. 

Then, tweezers will be used to meticulously go through and separate your lashes to find the best lashes for extensions to adhere to - too short, and the lash extension will not stay on as it is not strong enough to support the extensions; too long, and the lash extension will have a short life span.

Pros and Cons of Lash Extensions
As with any treatment, there are pros and cons to consider, which can be equally weighed. Here is what you need to know before you make an informed decision:

    • They look fabulous.
      • More dramatic than mascara, yet far more natural than a strip of fake lashes. See the before and after photos for some of my work on my website.
    • Instant gratification.
      • You won't have to bother applying and removing mascara every day.
    • Save you time.
      • We have found that they look best with minimal makeup, so you'll need less time to get ready in the morning, and have less wear and tear on your eyes from applying and removing makeup.
    • They last for months and beyond.
      • Lash extensions look good for 2 to 3 weeks, beyond that, they will look less and less full. However, with regular maintenance, they will last indefinitely.
    • They are expensive.
      • Expect to spend anywhere from $80 to $500 for your first full set of lashes. From there, maintenance will costs from $40 to $150 per visit. Right now with me, you will spend $80 for the full set, then $45 for each maintenance appointment. Prices with me will be going up to $125 for the first full set, then $60 for each maintenance appointment.
    • They are high maintenance.
      • You must go in for maintenance fills every 4 to 6 weeks, which can be a big commitment if you travel frequently, or have a busy schedule. Your lashes also need extra attention to stay gorgeous between fills. You must avoid oil-based cleansers and makeup removers, and avoid using mascara regularly because applying and removing mascara can snag the extensions and cause them to fall out prematurely. Most women love how their extensions look and simply forgo mascara.
      • You also must be careful when washing your face, avoid allowing water from the shower to beat directly onto your eyes, and take care not to rub your face with a towel or press your face too hard into the pillow when you sleep. Obviously, the less you rub your eyes or tug on your lashes, the better.
    • They limit your makeup options.
      • Not only must you avoid oil-based skincare products, as mentioned above, you must also avoid oil-based mascara and eyeliner. This means you must check the labels and be very careful when applying eye makeup, especially near the lash line. The more makeup you apply, the more you will have to remove, which means rubbing more over or near your eyelashes, and that means lashes will fall off.
    • They are hard to quit.
      • Once you have lash extensions, it is difficult to phase them out of your life. Not only because you will miss the lush line you've grown to like, but also because the in-between stage doesn't look the best.
      • Essentially, there are 2 options when you want to stop: You can either let them fall out on their own, or you can pay to have them removed.
Final Assessment
If you are someone who has always wanted longer, thicker lashes? This may be an option for you, however, I must let you know that it is not just a 1 time application and you are golden, there is maintenance that goes along with it. They can be worth the money, but they are not for everyone. You can splurge and look spectacular on just about anyone, but not necessarily suited for every lifestyle. They are fun for brides to indulge, or for those looking to stay effortlessly gorgeous during a vacation, but the extra care you have to take from day to day can be a deal-breaker. In addition, if you were glasses, you may find the glamorous effect is lost behind your lenses. If you choose to try this relatively low-risk beauty treatment, understand that once you have seen the results, it is hard to go back to your natural lashes.


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