Kids Nutrition and School

Well, it is that time of year...getting up early, planning of car pools, and kids heading off to school. And of course, here they are coming home with a cold, flu, lice., and homework.

Research shows eating a healthy diet is key to a child's growth and development, school performance by fueling brain cells for optimal learning, and overall health.

In my post a year ago, it talked about the benefits of eating a great breakfast, best lunches and snacks. This year I will also be focusing on this, but taking it a little further.

Here are 5 nutrition tips to help keep your kids properly fueled without taking a lot of extra time out of your day:
1. Prep meals to save time.
Shop for breakfast and lunch essentials in advance to save time and energy in the morning rush. On the days that you are less busy, chop fruits and veggies to have them ready to go when you need them. Research shows kids are more likely to eat fruit and veggies when they are cut up. Add a healthy dipping sauce (Greek yogurt or hummus). It is also a good idea to have grab-and-go produce like cherry tomatoes, apples, bananas, baby carrots, and grapes washed and ready on the kitchen counter. Couple these grab-and-go items with a protein food like cheese, pumpkin seeds, or peanut butter. This will give your kid a little extra staying power.

2. Focus on quality cards.
Studies show that the school-aged kids perform better on tests and have improved concentration when they eat a balanced breakfast. When making your kids meal, be sure to include whole grain or enriched grains that are low in added sugars like breads ad cereals (aim for less than 10 grams of sugar per serving of cereal). Quality carbs from grain-based foods and fruit are nutrient-rich and provide the brain with a steady supply of energy to facilitate learning. An example of a balanced breakfast for kids is eggs, toast, and fruit. to beat the morning rush...have hard boiled eggs pre-made and a fruit salad in the fridge.

3. Include Omega-3 fats for heart, brain, and eye health.
Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) are important throughout all stages of life-research shows they help maintain a healthy heart, positively impact brain function and cognitive development, and play a key role in eye health and vision development. The best food sources are fatty fish, like salmon, mackerel, and sardines. To help your kids get enough of these important nutrients, send them to school with a lunch packed with Omega-3's, such as a salmon or tuna salad sandwich, and DHA-fortified orange juice, milk, or yogurt.

4. Pack "clean" ingredient snacks.
While it would be fantastic to have the time to cook everything homemade for your kids, the reality is you have to buy things in packages at times for convenience. Unfortunately, packaged snacks that appeal to kids taste buds are often loaded with sugar, artificial colorings, and preservatives. Find a few healthy staple snack you know your kids like and have them on hand when hunger hits. Be sure to read the ingredient list to see how they can often be misleading. For example, a popular fiber-rich bar has various forms of sugar and salt as the first three ingredients. In comparison, a KIND Peanut Butter Berry bar has five ancient grains (oats, millet, buckwheat, amaranth, and quinoa) listed first in the ingredient list. Ingredients are listed in descending weight order, so if sugar is one of the first ingredients, that is not a good choice.

5. Keep your kids property hydrated.
It is extremely important for kids to stay well hydrated to prevent fatigue and keep concentration levels going strong. Proper hydration can also help them maintain a healthy weight as dehydration often masks itself as hunger and can cause children (and adults) to overeat. Skip the sugary energy drinks and sodas, and give your kids a water bottle instead. If your kids get bored with plain water, add some slices of citrus, berries, or a bit of 100% fruit juice to the water.

Besides eating right, kids, as well as adults, should also supplement with vitamins. Not all vitamins are created equal either, therefore you should do your research and make sure that you are getting the right amount and is being absorbed vs. just passing through your body. (More on supplements later in my blog.)


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