Where have I been? The Story Behind My Blogging Hiatus

As many of you have noticed, I have had a small hiatus from blogging. It is not because I don't want to blog, but it is just I have not had much time over the recent weeks/months. A lot of factors in my personal life have come between me and the blog. So, I'm here to fill you in on what has been going on since you last heard from me.

My Hiatus and Life

First of all, throughout the majority of last few months I have been busy with helping beautiful brides with hair and makeup for their wedding day. Almost every weekend has been set aside to make each of the contracted brides get beautiful and start a new chapter in their life with the one that they love. Every time I help a bride get ready, besides doing her hair or makeup, it brings back memories to my wedding day and getting ready with my future in-laws, family, and friends. My husband and I have 13 years of marriage and many ups and downs throughout those 13 years, but we too have been trying to start our next chapter.

Our next chapter has started 1 year ago, where I had to undergo my first surgery to remove a fibroid on my uterus. We were told that it may take 2 surgeries to completely remove it, which was true in my case, due to the size of the fibroid. Even though, I should have been able to undergo the second surgery within a month, however, that was true in my case. Why? Well, 5 days after this first surgery, I had a pulmonary embolism (blood clots in the lungs). No one is sure to why this happened, but after three months of blood thinners, I was able to come off of them. My next step was to check to see how the remainder of the fibroid that was not able to be removed during the first surgery was progressing. I then underwent my second surgery in March of this past year, where everything went well and we could then start the rest of the process of starting our next chapter. 

In this process, I have become a trainer for lash extensions and have been training all who ready to embark on their new adventure in lashes. I have been doing a lot of traveling for training, where I was in Vegas in June for extensive training in lashes to come and bring to my students. Between April and June I was also undergoing fertility treatments, therefore, I had many doctors appointments while traveling, taking clients, and running my studio. I am still undergoing fertility treatments, running my studio, taking clients, training students, and getting brides beautiful for their wedding, but I have decided to re-do my schedule and make sure that I had put time in calendar for blogging, just as I have schedule clients and students.

So, that is what has been going on in my life recently. I am not neglecting JoAnn M. Romeo Makeup & Skin, and I have plenty of exciting new ideas and posts to share with you. I cannot say I am just waiting for the time to write them, but I am now making time.

What have you been up to recently? What questions do you have about skincare, makeup, or beauty do you have? I would love to hear from you, and about any issues or questions you have, or want to hear. Let me know in the comments below and start a conversation!



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