Skin Care for Teens

As a teen we start to see our skin changing, amongst other bodily changes. With these changes, comes more responsibilities and learning take care of ourselves differently. It takes years for damage to show up on the surface of your skin, therefore it is important to start learning, and practicing, a healthy skin care routine early. According to the International Dermal Institute, teens are unaware that they may be doing serious damage to their skin. If you want to keep your skin glowing for years down the road, we need to start doing things differently to ensure that it does.

Teenagers appear to be the expressive idiom of uncontrollable hormones as adolescent bodies experiencing various physiological changes. These changes can result in unwelcome acne and weight gain, which can directly affect a teenager's self-image. It is a complicated time of life, professionally and personally speaking.

Be gentle with your skin. The problem is that many teens falsely believe the stronger the product, the cleaner and clearing the skin will be. This is not true in the least bit. As a teen, we have more skin problems, and our skin is more resilient, but harsher products may be doing more harm than good. If a teen is suffering from acne or various skin irritations. What do you do? We must introduce our teens to gentle products and the proper cleansing techniques. Proper skin care products for your skin conditions and proper cleansing techniques will result in great skin care routine for years to come.

To gain an understanding of the complexities in a teenager's body that directly affects their skin and self-image. During puberty and social development, many teenagers struggle with their self-esteem and body image primarily due to the many changes their body and skin is experiencing.


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