Chocolate & Oxygen is Good for the Skin

As previously mentioned a couple of blogs ago, I mentioned that dark chocolate was medicine in so many ways, of which it helps reduce roughness in the skin and protects against sun damage. Do you remember why? Because it contains flavonoids, an antioxidant.

Forget the old wives tale that chocolate causes spots, and contrary to popular belief, chocolate alone doesn't cause blemishes. Chocolate has been used as part of facials, wraps, and pedicures for years. The cocoa bean's fibrous coating is a whizz at breaking down free radicals, giving creams containing the extract anti-oxidant and anti-aging properties. Before you consider the mood-boosting properties of chocolate - just the smell can make the brain release endorphins into your system. 

The cocoa bean is also full of magnesium, which helps to stimulate the body to produce progesterone, a vital hormone that plummets at certain times of the month and is ideal for tackling hormone or stress-related breakouts.

Pure dark chocolate features one thing that can actually help improve your appearance. Cocoa beans actually have one of the highest levels of antioxidants amongst all foods. Studies have shown protection against UV radiation on the skin, improved circulation, and enhancing skin hydration. Sadly, dark chocolate should never replace daily use of sunscreen to ward off damaging sun rays and prevent premature aging. However, the higher the percentage of dark chocolate, the more benefits it holds for you.

With this in mind, it is no wonder top spas feature both chocolate facials and wraps high on their menu. This month, I too am featuring some special facials featuring chocolate and oxygen.


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