Makeup Misconceptions

How many of you out there have watch YouTube Video or read “How to” instructions in magazines? Did it look like the picture or person in the video? If not, and most likely it did not, it is because this is considered general information or teaching vs. specific information or teaching. What do I mean by this, according to Webster Dictionary....relating to or affecting all people or things in a group; relating to the main or major parts of something rather than the details – not specific.

We are not clones, therefore, the instructions and videos are specific to all people. We need specific instructions and teachings for our eye color, eye shape, as well as our face shape. If you are looking for this specific instructions, contact a professionally certified and trained makeup artists, like myself, and book your appointment to have a lesson. This also goes for the how to properly contour and highlight your for your face shape.

I am not saying that you cannot get great information from these "How to" YouTube videos or articles in magazines, I am saying that you have to take the grocery store method. What do I mean by this? When you go to the grocery store, do you buy everything on the shelf? I hope not, you buy only what you need and use.

9 other misconceptions:
  1. Under-eye concealer should match your foundation. To camouflage dark circles, you should use a concealer that has peach undertones to neutralize the blue or purple tone.
  2. Highlighting your nose will slim it. If done correctly, yes, but if done wrong, no. You have just made yourself in to Bozo the Clown.
  3. Lining the inside of your eyes make them look smaller. It can, but if you use a color, you could bring out your eye color, which will make them look bigger and brighter.
  4. Concealer before foundation. If you want truly conceal a blemish or dark circle, it should be done after your foundation. Then set with a light powder.
  5. Powder is for oily skin only. Anyone can use powder, not just the oily skin. Depending on the coverage you are looking for.
  6. Makeup causes breakout. I love this one - Bad hygiene is the cause of breakouts, which includes your brushes.
  7. Curvier or round face shape should not use foundation, bold eye color, or neutral lip color. This I also love - If done correctly, you will enhance your look not draw attention to flaws.


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