How to Choose the Right Skin Care Product

Are you sick of going to the skin care aisle to pick up skin care product, only to find out when you get home and start using it, that it is not the right one for you? You are not alone, there are many others out there like you who have a closet full of skin care products that they are no longer using, or cannot use.

First of all, if those products have been in your closet for more than a year, you should throw them out, especially if they have been opened. If they have not been opened, donate them to a shelter, you can write it off as a donation on your taxes.

If you are going to the skin care aisle or even the department store, make sure that you follow these tips:
  • Know your skin type: Whether your skin is dry, oily, or sensitive could greatly impact how the product interacts with your skin. Just a note, many misdiagnose their skin to being oily, but they could be over drying their face, thus making your skin produce more oil to keep it hydrated. Not sure if you really have oily or dry skin? Make an appointment for a skin analysis at JoAnn M. Romeo Makeup.
  • Create a daily skin care routine: The key to a successful great looking skin is repetition. Establishing a daily routine is important, especially with anti-aging and acne. Do not be discouraged if it take more than 2 weeks to see the improvements. Again, if you are still not seeing results after 8 weeks, you may need to make some tweaks to your routine, and a skin analysis can help with these tweaks.
  • Do be cautious of “miracle” products: Skin care products that seem “too good to be true” probably are, so use your best judgment. Reputable product lines are the best bet and likely to be most effective and safe.
  • Do you research before buying: When purchasing products, read the labels to find the active ingredients. If there are ingredients that are unfamiliar, look them up to find out how they work. One big example that products are now claiming to have it Botox. It could contain it, but Botox is only effective when injected directly into the underlying muscle, not applied topically.
  • Make sure to not forget to use products containing sunscreen: Protecting your skin from the harsh sun, as my previous blog posts have illustrated, is important. Choosing beauty moisturizers and creams that contain at least SPF 15 is crucial and will help to maintain youthful looking skin.
  • Ask a skin therapist or dermatologist if you have specific skin concerns: If you have any doubts about a products, or specific skin concerns, consult with a skin therapist or dermatologist for help. I am available to help, as well as I can refer you to someone in your area for further help.
Next time, before going to the skin care aisle to get your skin care product, do some research or visit your skin care specialist. The most expensive products are not always the best, or the best for you and your skin type. 


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