Acne...types and treatment options

Are you frustrated with your acne? Whether you are an adult or a teenager, you can have acne at any age. If you feel like you are “beating your head against the wall” trying to figure out how to treat your acne, you are like everyone out there who suffers. There are different reasons why we get pimples, but getting the right diagnosis and adding a specialized skincare routine, will help clear it up. There is not a “one size fits all” treatment because there are so many different types and symptoms of acne.

The different types of acne problems are as follows:

Acne Vulgaris is the most common problem, which contain both blackheads and pimples around the nose, cheeks and chin, as well as the forehead. The pimples may spread to the neck and back. If left untreated, can worsen, but does respond to most standard acne treatments. Standard acne treatment products are topical to kill the acne causing germ. If the over the counter products do not work, consulting with a skin care specialist, such as an esthetician or dermatologist, to prescribe a corrective routine and stronger products and oral antibiotics that basically do the same thing. Last result, if a stronger prescription does not work, Accutane is used.

Pityrosporum Folliculitis is next most common, which contain pimples and clogged pores on the forehead, nose, and along the jaw line. There may be little pimples on the neck at the hairline and in the little indentation below the ear, as well as the chest and back. How it differs from the first is that there are often millions of little pimples and clogged pores on the forehead and are covered, not open, like that of blackheads. The pimples on the chest and back are really bright red almost like a bug bite and they either itch or are really tender.

You are most prone to this type of acne if you or your family members have a history of asthma or allergies. As well as if you are an athlete and/or live in a hot climate, due to the overgrowth of normal skin yeast germ, which grows well on sweaty, oily skin. We all have the yeast germ, but sweat and the genetic predisposition promotes the growth of yeast, which then causes the pimples and clogged pores. Regular acne medicines do not kill the yeast, but products with Zinc, Benzoyl Peroxide, Glycolic Acid and Salicylic Acid can. Seeing your esthetician or dermatologist can help you with which products is best for you.

Staph Folliculitis and Gram-negative Folliculitis require prescription oral antibiotics. (Pictures are not provided for these as they are not easy on your stomach to see.)

Staph Folliculitis is caused by the staphylococcus bacteria that causes impetigo. 25% of us carry this germ, but most of the time it does not cause any problems, but it can. It looks like pimples and whiteheads on the body, including the face and back. Any break in the skin can become infected with staph. When the pimples become infected with staph, they get really big. Regular acne treatments do not work and you should go to the doctor to get the infection tested, so that the correct antibiotic can be prescribed.

Gram negative folliculitis is the strangest of all the conditions. It happens when the prescribed topical and oral antibiotics kill the germ, but the germ moves into the pores and starts causing pimples. Since the germ is not killed, different methods of treatment are needed to be used to treat the condition. This is when you should see an esthetician on a regular basis to get facial treatments, while seeing a dermatologist.

* This information is intended to be educational, giving you a better understanding of the range acne problems that affect the skin. It is not intended to give a specific diagnosis or treatment for your skin concern.

Photo credits to MedScape and personal files.


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