Gratitude of Thanks...

Today I would like to give a gratitude of thanks to all my past brides. In 2013, I had a total of 19 brides for the year, while working full time at a salon as an Esthetician doing facials, body wraps, chemical peels, and waxing. Two of the 19 brides were referrals from ex-coworkers and brides from 2012. Caroline K. was referred from an old co-working, while Nicole K. was a bridesmaid at a wedding that I have done, therefore she was a referral from a bride. The bride who had referred Nicole was Tara K., because Nicole was referred to me, Nicole also referred someone to me, Leah W., which was one of my brides for 2014. Now, in 2014, I had 30 brides, where one of them, Nicole S., has referred a bride for 2015. Thank you Tara, Nicole S., Nicole K., and Bailey for the referral, they are much appreciated and are compensated by a free gift. Nicole S., you gift will be coming next year. J
bridal Thank you 2013 brides Tara K., Bridget A., Samantha N., Katie W., Alison L., Molly O., Caroline K., Vania R., Erin F., Maria L., Kati H., Alicia L., Nicole O., Nome Z., Britt W., Chelsey K., Rhonda R., Nicole., and Maureen M....

 Thank you 2014 brides Mara P., Lauren S., Hannah M., Kallie T., Rachel R., Caitlin W., Ali W., Megan R., Danielle L., Erinn N., Sue B., Catherine U., Tiffany S., Jenny D., Nicole S., Aleasha B., Leah W., Kathleen R., Teri A., Stacey O., Alison R., Gabbriel V., Carrie S., Nicole L., Kimberly K., Tanya B., Yuliya I., Brianna B., Rebecca P., and Erin W....

With this special thank above to those who have referred someone to me, you will be compensated with a free gift, while the person that is referred will receive 25% off their services.

**Now booking 2015 brides! Dates are being filled, so brides...start to plan ahead to ensure that you get on my calendar.

Thanks and have a great day.


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